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Maria Girasoli

Student Support Services & EAL Coordinator

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Anna Weitzler

Learning Support Specialist


Learning supports are the resources, strategies, and practices that provide physical, social, emotional, and intellectual supports intended to enable all pupils to have an equal opportunity for success at school by addressing barriers to and promoting engagement in learning and teaching.

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English as a Second Language

The English as an Additional Language Department (EAL) at ISB provides support for both learners who need extra help with their English language, and their teachers. The objective is to facilitate learners’ acquisition of the language and communication skills necessary to fully access the curriculum and take advantage of all learning opportunities within and outside the classroom. Experienced and qualified EAL teachers support their colleagues in meeting the language needs of all learners through collaborative planning sessions and by providing information and resources. Furthermore, EAL teachers offer in-class support on a weekly basis, ensuring all learners for whom English is an additional language benefit from their expertise.

Those learners with the greatest need follow a specially-designed EAL programme, delivered in small groups and tailored to their age and language requirements. These lessons enable learners to benefit from increased individual attention from an EAL specialist in the aspects of language specific to their needs.
Progress is monitored through ongoing formative assessment and the standardized Maculaitis Assessment of Competencies Test of English Language Proficiency II. All learners with EAL needs are closely monitored, in conjunction with teachers and support staff. Close communication with parents is recognized as an invaluable resource in a child’s acquisition of an additional language and this is encouraged through regular parent meetings, written reports, e-mails, letters, and via the student portfolio.

Learning Support

ISB is committed to providing an inclusive education for all its learners and so maximizes opportunities to fully access the curriculum by removing barriers to learning. The International Baccalaureate is an inquiry-based programme that is responsive to learners’ diverse needs and learning styles. All teachers are responsible for meeting the individual needs of their learners and plan accordingly. Class sizes are small, ensuring learners are closely monitored, tasks are differentiated and every learner benefits from small group and individual attention within the classroom.

In addition, the school employs a qualified Learning Support Specialist to provide information and assist staff and parents in identifying and meeting a student’s learning needs. As defined in the school’s Learning Support Policy, students have learning needs if they experience difficulty accessing learning which calls for special educational provision to be made. A child will not be considered as having learning needs or learning support requirements because of difficulties arising from being taught in a non-native language (see EAL and Language Policies). At ISB we support students with mild to moderate learning needs from the point of admission through their academic career. For a small number of students, personalized support may be offered outside the classroom by the Learning Support staff or through collaboration with external agencies.

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School year 2025-2026

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