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Maartje Koster

School Counselor

Student Well-being

At ISB, the well-being of our students is our priority. For students to thrive, we need to make sure their needs are being met, also in terms of social, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. At ISB, students’ well-being and success is integral to teaching and learning. We aim to support and promote the well-being of our students through our PSE programme and throughout our curriculum.

School Counselor

As an advocate for students’ psychological and social-emotional needs, the School Counsellor strives to ensure that students receive the support they need in order to reach their full potential. Counselling at ISB is short term and solution-focused. Counselling may support students and families during times of transition, heightened stress, critical change or other situations impacting student success and wellbeing. Counselling is a relationship of trust, therefore confidentiality is a key feature of counselling meetings. The school counsellor’s primary obligation of confidentiality is to the students, balanced with the parents’ or guardians' right to be the guiding voice in their child’s life. Our student-centered approach recognizes that obstacles are overcome when students, parents, and teachers work collaboratively to nurture, guide, and educate; therefore when required, the school counselor will liaise with parents, carers, teachers, advisers and specialists to make sure the student receives the support they need. For contact, please send an email to

Personal and Social Education (PSE)

As part of a holistic approach, at ISB we believe in the importance of the personal and social development as well as the academic development of our students, and that this should be integral to everyday teaching and learning. The PSE programme in grades 6-10 is aimed at supporting the personal and social development of our students. The lessons provide a dedicated space and time in which students can explore topics that are essential to their personal growth and wellbeing. Our team of advisors facilitates these lessons and is the first point of reference for students in need of guidance or support. 

The PSE Curriculum and Student Agency

As part of our approach to foster student agency, the content of PSE lessons in grades 6-10 is based on the Student-Designed Curriculum (SDC) which was developed by our GIN (Global Initiatives Network) students. This curriculum is based on research into the needs and interests of our ISB secondary students which resulted in a curriculum with topics ranging from hygiene and health, sex education, digital citizenship and child protection with lesson plans appropriate for each age and developmental stage. PSE provides an excellent opportunity for students to be actively involved. From identifying needs or lines of inquiry to designing and implementing interventions and learning experiences: students will be given the opportunity to explore their role in PSE and how they can contribute, giving a sense of ownership for their learning.

Planning for Post-Secondary Education

The School Counsellor provides support and advice for all students in the process of researching post-secondary education options and applying to the institutions of their choice. There are many different higher education systems around the world. Our school profile lists the universities our ISB graduates were accepted to in the past years. Finding the best fit, with the individual student's best interest at heart is central in this process. The School Counsellor provides information and resources for parents and students through workshops, presentations and classes to help make appropriate higher education choices and prepare for the application process, however, there is a clear expectation that students participate actively and increasingly take control and ultimately become responsible for their journey towards their future education. The school counsellor is available for individual planning meetings with students and their parents for support and advice regarding all steps of the post-secondary education search and application process. 

For contact, please send an email to

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School year 2024

Child Safeguarding

The ISB Child Protection Policy is the foundation for guiding all staff and families in matters directly related to the health, safety, and care of our students. The ISB Child Protection Policy is based on international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which Italy is a signatory. Our safeguarding practices and procedures are aligned with a variety of national and international frameworks including that of our host country, Italy. The ISB Child Protection Team is dedicated to safeguarding all children of the ISB community. The entire staff is trained annually on Child Protection, and our policy is communicated and adopted by all the stakeholders.

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School year 2025-2026

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