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Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy Statement pursuant to sect. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/30.06.2003
Pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/30.06.2003 (Code concerning the protection of personal details), we hereby inform you that the personal information referring to and freely provided to us by you during Your dealings with the ICT platform (hereinafter also referred to as “The Company”), called (hereinafter referred to as the “Portal” or the “Web site”) managed by International School, with both open or restricted access pages -the latter requiring registration- (with URL, in which the tourists may obtain information but also buy Package Tours / Travel Services via e-commerce services), will be handled and processed in full compliance with the relevant regulatory prescriptions concerning the protection of personal information and according to our confidentiality procedures.
The personal information note is issued for this website only and no other website that may be visited by the same user by means of links.

    Personal information provided by you to International School of Bologna. (hereinafter, for short, “Company”) may be used for the following purposes: (i) to agree and execute the agreement as well as comply with all tax and administrative provisions of law being instrumental, functional and/or correlated for the purpose of agreeing and execute the agreement; (ii) for the preparation of statistical research and market surveys, the publication of any assessment for services rendered; (iii) for the organisation, execution and/or participation to event and event also of a commercial nature (iv) for the communication of news and promotions, also of a commercial nature, advertising material and/or offers of goods and services via mail, web, telephone, e-mail, MMS, and text messages from Italy or other countries (also outside the European Union) from the Company or other individuals or bodies which are commercial partners of the Company and/or parent, subsidiary and/or associates companies.

    Information will be handled with the aid of paper/hardcopy, electronic and/or ICT media, according to criteria strictly related to the abovementioned purposes, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the information collected and to avoid undue access by unauthorised parties.

    The communication of personal information is not mandatory. However, a possible denial and/or communication of incorrect and/or incomplete information may have the following consequences:
    (i)   Impossibility to implement and/or guarantee the regular and timely execution of the agreement, as well as impossibility to fulfil all tax and administrative regulatory provisions being instrumental, correlated and/or in any way useful for the implementation and/or execution of the agreement;
    (ii)   Impossibility to publish any assessment for services rendered
    (iii)  Impossibility to set up, carry out and/or allow your participation in events and initiatives, be it for promotional purposes;
    (iv) Impossibility to publish your data on the site for the management and updating of the site contents on the same portal of the online and offline sale of goods and/or services to users;
    (v) Impossibility to contact you and/or send you promotional offers and info, including commercial offers, advertising material and/or goods and service offers.

The notification of personal data is compulsory in those instances expressly provided for by mandatory laws and/or tax and administrative provisions and regulations, for example, in the sale of package tours, the obligation to draft a written contract as required by art. 35 and 36 of the Legislative Decree no. 79 of May 23, 2011, (Tourism Code), as well as to comply with the mandatory transfer of passenger identification data to the carriers and the Airspace Authorities and Customs in the air tickets brokerage; the failure to consent in such instances, to the processing and communication of the required personal data will make it impossible for the Company to fulfil its legal, administrative and/or tax obligations.

    In the organisational structure of International School of Bologna we may share some collected personal information with shareholders, members of the Board of Directors or of another management body, members of the Board of Internal Auditors, Auditors, staff members, and those in charge of the processing of personal information by appointment of International School of Bologna while performing their duties.
    Personal details will be made available to International School of Bologna as data controller.

Personal information may also be shared with some qualified subjects who provide International School of Bologna with services related to the purposes reported in article 1 above such as, including but not limited to, subjects and companies which manage and/or share the management and/or maintenance of websites and related electronic and/or ICT tools used; suppliers, contractors, subcontractors or qualified subjects who supply to the company services or equipment being instrumental to the implementation and/or execution of the agreed obligations with the Company (such as, for instance, banks and/or subjects appointed to cash and make payments, insurance companies and organisations); subjects providing services being or including the processing of statistical and market surveys, the organisation and development of every type of event, also of a promotional nature; the mailing of business and/or promotional communications, as well as advertising material and/or offers of goods and services under the provisions set out in Paragraph 1 above; experts who provide different kinds of assistance to International School of Bologna with special reference to legal, tax, social security, accountancy, and organisation issues, as well as any other subject to whom personal information shall be disclosed pursuant to a specific statutory prescription. Personal details may be moved abroad, in compliance with the relevant regulatory prescription, also to countries outside the European Union, where Bologna Welcome S.r.l. pursues its own interests.

    In relation to the processing described herein, sect. 7 of the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 No. 196, which is as follows, sets out the following rights for the interested parties:

“Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196
Sect. 7 – Right of access to personal information and other rights
The Parties Concerned have the right to obtain: i) the confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal information concerning themselves, even if such details have not yet been recorded, and ii) their communication in an intelligible form. 
The PARTIES CONCERNED have the right to obtain the indication of:
a)  the origin of personal information;
b)  the processing purposes and methods;
c)  the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
d)  the identifying details of the data controller, data supervisors, and designated representative pursuant to Sect. 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 196/2003;
e)  the parties or categories of parties to whom personal information may be communicated, or who may gain knowledge of said information in their role as the designated representative on the national territory, data supervisors, or persons in charge of processing;
The PARTIES CONCERNED have the right to obtain: 
a)  the updating, correction or, upon request, the completion of the data;
b)  the deletion, transformation into an anonymous form, or blocking of the illegally processed information, including those for which storage is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data has been collected or subsequently processed;
c)  proof that the operations described in points a) and b) have been disclosed, also with regard to their content, to those to whom they have been communicated or distributed, except for cases in which this is impossible or entails the use of resources manifestly disproportionate to the right protected.
The PARTIES CONCERNED have the right to oppose, entirely or in part: 
a)  for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal information concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of their collection;
b)  the processing of personal information concerning them for the purpose of sending them advertising or direct selling materials, conducting market surveys, or commercial communications.

    The Controller of your information is International School of Bologna, with registered address in Bologna, 2 Via della Libertà. The supervisor of personal information on behalf of the Company is the Head of Staff, Organisation and Systems of International School of Bologna available at International School of Bologna, International School of Bologna – 40124 Bologna – The interested party shall report to the Information Supervisor in relation to the rights listed herein; any questions or concerns regarding the processing of personal information shall be addressed to either the registered address of the Information Supervisor, or by e-mail to : or fax to +39 051 3390424.
    For an updated list of personal information supervisors of the Company please contact the Company as indicated above.

    In case the Company should process the personal data offline (e.g. hard copies), a data processing information note will be issued in order to obtain the user’s consent where necessary; the same applies also for data collected on forms downloaded from the website (each form bears the personal information note specifically on data processing).

    With regard to data collection carried out directly from the Website (e.g. service registration forms, data notified for online purchase of goods and/or services), a data processing information note will be issued to obtain the user’s consent, where necessary, while it is always possible to access this page to access the Company’s PRIVACY POLICY in a broader version.

    When a user willingly, voluntarily and explicitly sends, either online or offline, his or her personal data (e.g.: e-mail, application to take part in events, hotel reservations, etc.) it shall imply the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s data as they are needed to reply and possibly notify the provided procedures for personal data acquisition, including the personal data processing note and the consent form where applicable.

    Navigating the website is unrestricted, free of charge and does not require to be registered.

    Registration is required to access a specific set of services.

    The collection, processing and storage of confidential data, is carried out by the Company for the same purposes and in the same way as indicated in the previous articles 1 and 2, in accordance with the requirements of Authorization n. 5/2013 issued by the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Reg. Provisions no. 568 of 12 December 2013 published in the Official Journal no. 302 of 27 December 2013), valid until 31.12.2014.

Cookies Privacy Policy
Definitions, characteristics and application of the rule
Cookies are small text files that may be stored on your device and be trasmitted again to you when you visit the site a second time. By means of cookies, the site records user’s actions and preferences (such as, for example, the language chosen, the character dimensions, other settings concerning the layout of the site, etc.) so as to avoid that the user has to enter them when returning to the site at a later date or when the user visits a different page of the same site. Cookies are therefore used for user log in, to monitor browsing sessions, store information relating to the users who access the Site and may contain a unique identification code that allows to track the user’s navigation within the Site for statistics and advertising purposes.
Users may download cookies on their devices owned by sites and web servers different from the Site that they are actually visiting (“third-party cookies”). Some cookies are necessary for the technical functioning of the Site; if you do not accept the latter cookies some functionalities and features of the Site may not be accessible.
Different types of cookies exist, depending on their features and functions, and they might be stored on the users’ devices for different timeframes: session cookies are cancelled at the end of each browsing session while persistent cookies may last up to a certain date that has been pre-set by their owner.
On the basis of the law applicable to cookies, user’s consent to the latter is not always mandatory. The user’s consent is not necessary for “technical cookies”, such as cookies are used exclusively with a view of carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or insofar as it is strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to provide the said service. The latter cookies are indispensable for the proper functioning  of the Site and to execute activities specifically requested by the users.
Amongst the technical cookies, that do not require an explicit prior consent by the users to be deployed, see the following:

  • “cookie analytics”insofar as they are used directly by the website manager to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website,

  • “browsing or session cookies”(to log-in  to the website),

  • “functional cookies”, which allow users to navigate as a function of certain pre-determined criteria such as language or products to be purchased so as to improve the quality of service.

For “profiling cookies”, namely those aimed at creating user profiles and used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the user during navigation, the user’s prior consent is necessary.
Types of cookies used by the Site and the possibility to de-activate them
The Site deploys the following cookies, while always offering the possibility to de-activate them, except for third-party cookies that can be de-activated by the users directly on the owners’ websites using the links provided below:

  • Information are processed in an aggregated and anonymous fashion. The data controller may use such aggregate information to analyze trends, administer the Site, track users’ movements, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. This aggregate information may be shared with third parties to assist them in targeting advertisements to appropriate audiences;

  • Technical functional cookies, which allow users to navigate as a function of certain pre-determined criteria such as language or products to be purchased  so as to improve the quality of service.

Technical Name
PurposeCookie typeDomain
Cookie generated when the user’s http sessionis created and maintained for the duration of the same. It allows the site to connect the actions of a user during a browser session in order to provide services, functionality and optimize navigation
First Party Cookies
Cookies that track whether the user has consented or not to cookies
First Party Cookies
Cookies related to Google Analytic’s service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
Cookies related to Google Analytic’s service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
Cookies related to Google Analytic’s service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
Cookies related to the Google Analytics service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
Cookies related to the Google Analytics service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
Cookies related to Google Analytic’s service used to create statistics and reports on site visits
Google analytics Cookie
__unamCookie related to ShareThis’s service used share web pages on various social networksFacebook, Twitter and Google + cookies
BEWARE: if you disable technical/functional cookies the Site might not work properly and some services or some of the Site’s functionalities may not be available or work properly; you could be required to modify or manually fill in some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.

  • Third Party Cookies, namely cookies owned by sites and web servers different from the Site that the user is actually visiting, including profiling cookies.  The latter third parties are listed below with the links to their respective privacy policies; they are autonomous data controllers of the data collected through the cookies they serve; you shall refer to their privacy policies and consent forms (activation and de-activation of their respective cookies – as specified in Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8 may 2014), listed hereby below:



Cookies in this site are:
Cookie disclosed in the site:

Istructions for the management Cookies via different browsers:

  • Internet Explorer

  • Firefox

  • Chrome

  • Safari

Cookie Settings
Please notice that if you disable technical/functional cookies the Site might not work properly and some services or some of the Site’s functionalities may not be available or work smoothly, and you could be required to modify or manually fill in some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.
The lack of authorization to other third-party cookies will not affect the operations of the site; however, since these types of cookies are sent out by third parties, and the operator of this site is not able to exercise control of these cookies, opposition to them can be exercised only by accessing the consent forms predisposed by the third party Otherwise, the opposition can be exercised through the settings of the browser. Links to privacy policies and possible consent forms predisposed by third parties are available in this page.
Concerning the cookies sent directly by the operator of this site, in addition to the procedure available on this page, the user may select the cookies they want to enable, disable or cancel the cookies (wholly or partially), by means of the tools offered by the browser used (see above).
The choices made by the user in reference to the cookies on this site will be recorded in a technical cookie, with the characteristics related in the table above.
In some circumstances, such cookies may not function properly: in such cases, we recommend you to delete the unwanted cookies to prevent their use through owner’s browsers.  User preferences in reference to cookies will be reset if the user uses different devices or browsers to access the site
Technical cookies
Do not require an explicit prior consent by the users to be developed.
How to display and modify the cookie settings via your browser
Users may select the cookies they want to enable, disable or cancel cookies (wholly or partially), by means of the tools offered by the browser used: however, please notice that if you disable technical/functional cookies the Site might not work properly and some services or some of the Site’s functionalities may not be available or work smoothly, and you could be required to modify or manually fill in some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.
To know more about how to set your cookies preferences via your browser, read the guidance provided at the following links:

  • Internet Explorer

  • Firefox

  • Chrome

  • Safari

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